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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I (Mike) was just about to leave a restaurant earlier this evening, when a guy sat down at the next table and said 'You from England, right?' I didn't answer him straight away, because I was rather stunned. How did he know? What was it that gave it away? I hadn't said a word, so it couldn't have been my accent. Couldn't have been my clothes, as I was wearing a top my sister had bought me from India; and my hair was cut by an Australian (I'll let you guess which one).

I thought he might have been one of those suit salesmen that hang around the centre of Hong Kong, and try to start up a fake conversation to draw you into their shop. I finally answered his question, and had a brief chat. I discovered he's from Leeds, is involved in product design, and is in HK for a 6 week work stint.

But I never found out how he knew I was English.
posted by Mike & Helen @ 10:06 PM  
  • At March 14, 2007 7:45 AM, Blogger matt kirkland said…

    Oh, you've got the look, Mike. Watch a month or two of BBC, and you can spot those Brits from a mile away.

    What kind of product design does he do? HK seems to be full of designers, but there's no design community.

  • At March 14, 2007 8:15 AM, Blogger Mike & Helen said…

    So, what is 'the look', matt?

    We didn't get into details about his work, so I don't know any more than that. But if you eat at Fat Angelo's in Tsuen Wan, you might see him!

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