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Friday, July 13, 2007
Remotest idea?
I'm lost We've lost the remote control for our hi-fi. Of course, it's somewhere in our house as we don't tend to take it out anywhere, but it hasn't been seen for far too many days in any of the usual places. We use it to set the alarm on our hifi, which can't be changed without the handset. So, our alarm is stuck on 7.20am (could certainly have been worse!).

It's easier to find a picture of it on Google images than it is to find it in the house. I wonder when Google will have this one sussed. Till then, if anyone wants to pop over and join the hunt, you know what it looks like.

My dad used to say that it is called a 'remote control' because you usually don't have the remotest idea where it is. Good ol' English humour. Well, we thought it was pretty funny - and, now, strangely apt.

Of course, it will be (a) where we left it and (b) in the last place we look. If only we knew where that place was... any suggestions welcome!

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posted by Mike & Helen @ 8:16 PM  
  • At July 14, 2007 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So that's where you get your sense of humour, Mike?

  • At July 14, 2007 11:59 AM, Blogger Rev Phil said…

    Try looking in the place where "My big fat Greek wedding was"

  • At July 14, 2007 1:27 PM, Blogger Mike & Helen said…

    @Phil - that was in our CD case. The remote won't be there, because it won't fit. But we used to keep the remote on top of the CD case and it may have fallen off the back... will check. thanks for the inspiration!

  • At July 14, 2007 1:28 PM, Blogger Mike & Helen said…

    @Ads - years of intensive training in a humour academy, aka my parents' home.

  • At July 15, 2007 2:58 AM, Blogger Rob said…

    in our experience the children tell us the remote grows legs. This explains the various places we have found our over the years:
    under the sofa
    down the sides of the sofa
    behind the TV
    inside the video player
    inside the digeridoo
    in the fridge
    under the oven
    in the oven
    in various childrens bedrooms
    inthe back garden

    maybe yours has grown legs too and wandered to one of those places!

  • At July 15, 2007 7:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said…


  • At August 26, 2007 3:56 AM, Blogger Up Over Dad said…

    Whilst I am delighted to be credited for the comment about why the remote control handset is so called, may I, as a law abiding citizen strongly deny that I am in any way responsible for Mike's sense of humour. Like John Cleese, Michael Palin, you have to go to Oxford or Cambridge University for that!

  • At August 26, 2007 3:58 AM, Blogger Up Over Dad said…

    re Phil and Sue's comment - it's a long way to NYC

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