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Saturday, May 26, 2007
Dickens World theme park
A Dicken's World theme park is opening this weekend celebrating Charles Dickens and his books. The park will be just down the road from where Mike's parents live. Dickens lived in the Rochester area and set many of his books there.

Interestingly, the local press have been saying people are concerned the rides will make Dickens' stories too fun and may miss the poverty in which his stories were intentionally set (Dickens was a 'vigorous social campaigner', and 'a fierce critic of the poverty.. of Victorian society'). The park website addresses these fears, saying that they aim to help people "gain an understanding of the times and conditions people experienced living in England in the early 19th century." Will be fascinating to see, particular considering the poverty life experience activities that we run.

One small thing that really impressed me: they set up a webcam and have made a time lapse video over the whole construction process. So, in a couple of minutes you can watch the whole park being built!!!!

On a related note, an amusing Dicken's fact: Apparently, his granddaughter, on a visit to Sydney in 1964 to promote her books was approached by a woman who handed her a copy of one of her books, and said 'Emma Chisit?' and Ms Dickens mistook her query about the cost for an incorrect name!! And so the phenomenon of "Strine" was born. The End.
posted by Mike & Helen @ 11:23 PM  
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