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Monday, May 14, 2007
Save the coral!
After writing about our visit to a coral bay, we've found a lot of people interested in seeing the coral. In fact, a group of 3 friends are heading out there today.

But, we heard yesterday from Michele, that Hong Kong's coral is under threat from snails and so they'll be closing some of the marine parks to visitors! After looking around the web, it seems that the snails have been planning their attack since 1997, when they didn't seem to be a big threat. A later report around 2003 said that the coral was attacked so severely by the snails that it resulted in "the loss of several decades-old colonies"! A TV show that Michelle saw last night said that things had now escalated so that the authorities would have to close the marine parks to deal with the problem.

Hopefully our friends will still be able to go today!

Here's a picture of the evil creatures, called Drupella (sounds like a Disney baddie...), at work:

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posted by Mike & Helen @ 9:37 AM  
  • At May 16, 2007 5:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Disney film called 'Coral, and the Snails of Doom' - I'd go and see it! I think there may be a screenplay forming itself around this idea...

  • At May 16, 2007 6:29 AM, Blogger Mike & Helen said…

    Sign me up, Jon! You'd better copyright it... but who would be the hero?

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